Donate Today Elect Wendy Davis Governor of Texas

Give to Wendy

I invite you to join me, today, in making a donation to Wendy Davis’s campaign to be governor of Texas. In fact, join me in becoming a monthly donor.

Here’s the link to give.

What does your gift mean to her campaign?

Stability. Momentum. Energy.

Stability, because money early in a campaign allows a candidate to build a team and work strategically to take advantage of every available opportunity.

Momentum, because early money really is like yeast—it makes the dough rise.

Energy, because early money tells the candidate that the grassroots are strong, which gives her the courage and credibility to stake out bold positions.

You have the power to create that stability, build that momentum, and feed that energy with your gift. Do it!

Here’s why I’m supporting her.

Wendy Davis is pragmatic and dedicated to the community. She understands how to use laws and policy to create opportunity. She leveraged student loans to go from community college to Texas Christian University and Harvard Law School, and is repaying her debt not only by paying her student loans, but by serving her state instead of working in private practice. I want to support that. 

She understands that it is more cost-effective to invest in infrastructure on the front end than to pay for crisis management after the fact. She is a passionate advocate for education, for preventive healthcare, and transparency and honesty in the budgeting process. I want to support that.

She’s not afraid to work with a broad coalition of people and organizations to solve community problems. While Governor Perry and Senator Cruz think that governing means using your power to tell people no and bring progress to a screeching halt, Senator Davis knows that saying no isn’t governing. It’s a tantrum, and it is not how she rolls. I want to send a strong message that I support governance through collaboration, cooperation, and even compromise, because that is what is good and right about democracy. 

Here’s that link again, because giving is the clearest way to support all of that.

Small donations add up.

Big donations add up faster, of course, so don’t be shy!

Give what you can, when you can, and pass when you can’t.

Tell your friends. Use the hashtag #GiveToWendy to spread the word about this campaign. Get them to join you in giving today. 

We need to create this movement for change in Texas. We can push forward, with your help. 

Give today and let’s elect Wendy Davis governor of the great state of Texas!

Goal Thermometer

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